Home Releases 2017, №3 (41)

Diagnostics of the Ability of High School Pupils and Students to Transform Problem-Contradictory Situations: the Methods «Heroes in the City»



  • Belolutskaya Anastasia K.


The article presents the description and results of testing of the author's technique of di­agnostics of ability to transform problem-conflicting situations. Verification of the const­ruct validity of the methods was conducted in different groups of students and high school pupils (the total number is 506 test subjects). The results of verification of the impor­tance of correlation relationships with such constructs as: flexibility of thinking, operations of dialectical thinking, strategies of coping behaviour and tolerance to uncertainty are gi­ven. Also recommendations for the practical use of this methods in education and in the selec­tion of personnel are provided.

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Belolutskaya, A. K. (2017). Diagnostics of the Ability of High School Pupils and Students to Transform Problem-Contradictory Situations: the Methods «Heroes in the City» Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2017, №3 (41),
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