Home Releases 2016, №1 (35)

The Problem of Using non-programme Music in the Teaching Process in Secondary School

Young Scientist's Pages


  • Degtyareva Yuliya Mihajlovna


The article is devoted to the perception of non-programme music by adolescents in the con­ditions of music lesson in the secondary school. The author analyzes the state of modern music environment, under the influence of which the personality of the teenager is formed. This article considers some features of adolescent age, including the peculiarities of musical thinking as well as techniques and methods of formation of conditions for preparation of students of adolescent age to the perception of non-programme music.

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Degtyareva, Y. M. (2016). The Problem of Using non-programme Music in the Teaching Process in Secondary School Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №1 (35),
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