- Naumenko Evgeny Aleksandrovich
The article considers the experience of impact on the religious consciousness of Muslims through the education system with the aim of preventing extremist attitudes, based on the experiment carried out in 2009-2013 in one of the universities of Tyumen region. In the study the author used the method of comparison of educational systems of Russia and Germany; he analyses the current system of confessional education in Germany with identification of shortcomings and contradictions. The author emphasizes that the studied experience does not ensure religious tolerance in German society, and turns to practice of confessional education in Russia.
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Naumenko, E. A. (2016). From the Experience of Upbringing Confessional Tolerance of Students in a «Muslim» Region Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №2 (36),
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