- Khokhlova Liubov Olegovna
- Belyayev Vasiliy Stepanovich
- Chernogorov Dmitriy Nikolaevich
- Kolesnikova Ekaterina Sergeevna
In the article for the first time the results of the research of the parameters of the training process in the proposed ratio for the periods of the annual cycle of training are systematised. The working-out of exercise complexes for testing the level of development of special physical qualities and technical preparedness of athletes in cheerleading at the stage of specialized training is presented. The characteristics and evaluation criteria of general physical training (GPT) and special physical training (SPT) of athletes-cheerleaders were determined. The methods of constructing the training process of athletes in cheerleading, which is presented in the authors' program, is developed and experimentally substantiated.
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Khokhlova, L. O., Belyayev, V. S., Chernogorov, D. N. & Kolesnikova, E. S. (2018). Competitive Activity in the Annual Cycle of Training of High-Qualified Female Athletes in Cheerleading2 Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2018, №1 (43),
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