Home Releases 2018, №4 (46)

Scientific and Practical Education as a Current Direction of the Functional-Semantic Format of Education in the Technosphere

Pedagogical Education , UDC: 37.013 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2018.46.4.01


  • Leontovich Alexander Vladimirovich


The article proposes the author's classification of educational practices (topology of modern Russian education), built on anthropological grounds — subject-activity and cul­tural-historical. The concept «format of education», introduced by the author, allows to re­veal the functions and cultural cultural sense of existing educational practices and to deter­mine the most relevant format of modern education, which is defined as functional-semantic one. The leading direction of the functional-semantic format in the conditions of the modern technological order — scientific and practical education and its specificity is determined.

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Leontovich, A. V. (2018). Scientific and Practical Education as a Current Direction of the Functional-Semantic Format of Education in the Technosphere Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2018, №4 (46), 8-18. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2018.46.4.01
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