Theory and Practice of Educating and Upbringing , UDC: 37.026 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2021.58.4.09


  • Ushakova Elena Grigorievna
  • Yanishevskaya Maria A. Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Candidate of Psychological Sciences


The relevance of students’ learning of cultural models and ways of dealing with them is due to their functional diversity: on the one hand, the development of cultural models is one of the means of shaping students’ thinking, on the other hand, modeling acts as one of the ways of natural science research. Besides, models serve as a means to facilitate students’ understanding and presentation of complex natural science concepts. In this regard, the article is aimed at revealing the substantive aspect of the development and use of modeling as the main means of mastering the natural science picture of the world and forming the natural science thinking of schoolchildren. The leading method in the study was a natural experiment, which investigated the effectiveness of the development of a cultural idea of the reasons for the change of seasons on Earth (models of the Earth’s movement around the Sun and the effect of the inclination of the Earth’s axis on processes taking place on Earth). The study sample included 167 students in the 7th grade of general education schools. As sample sets, two options for students to master the given concept were chosen: through solving the educational problem through modeling in the format of group work (experimental group, 88 students), through working with text or with video materials (control group, 79 students). The article provides statistical data on the results of diagnostics of the level of mastery of the concept of basic and control groups of students, shows the undeniable, statistically significant advantage of mastering the concept using a modeling procedure compared to traditional methods. The students of the experimental group are also more successful in completing the task requiring the transfer of the learned concept to a new situation. The research design developed by the authors makes it possible to determine the most effective approach to the formation of natural science concepts, as well as outlines ways and methods of further research.
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