Young Scientist's Pages , UDC: 370.18 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2021.58.4.12


  • Kudinova Irina Mikhailovna


The relevance of the study is due to the need for analytical generalization of the available scattered data of scientists from different countries on the development of the education system for gifted children in China. In the context of studying the problem of the development of gifted endowments, taking into account international practice, identifying the personal potential of talented and gifted children, it is important to study the evolution of ideas about children’s giftedness in China. In this regard, this article is aimed at revealing the educational and upbringing priorities of Chinese scientists and teachers in relation to teaching talented children at different stages of educational development in the country. The leading method in the study of this problem was the method of theoretical analysis of scientific literature, which made it possible to identify the influence of the Confucian worldview on the process of teaching children. An interdisciplinary approach is applied to the study of the educational features of gifted Chinese children. The article reveals modern educational guidelines based on Confucian philosophy, the evolution of the concept of “giftedness”, the development of the focus of the education system on improving the social and learning environment. The general theoretical provisions on which the educational practice of China and Russia is based are revealed. The specific characteristics of the education of Chinese children with special abilities and talents are determined. It is substantiated that the academic performance and intellectual abilities of a child are an important indicator of his giftedness in modern China. Significant conclusions are the provisions on the significance of the national traditions of China, the philosophy of Confucius, the role of the state and family education, the influence of modern foreign educational approaches to teaching on the education of gifted children in China.
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