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Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology , UDC: 376.3 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.1.10


  • Guseva Alla Yu.


The relevance of the study of this problem is due to the importance of the egocentric speech stage in the formation of mental processes, including speech and mental activity, and the lack of information about stimulation and corrective action on the course of this stage in children with speech disorders. Egocentric speech of a preschool child is a multifunctional process, performing various functions: planning, regulating, controlling, the function of emotional release, is a “language game” and serves as a way of mastering the language, is important for the development of communication. The importance of the stage of egocentric speech was emphasized by many researchers. Influencing the course of the egocentric speech stage in children will contribute to the development of speech, the formation of types of thinking and have a beneficial effect on further education at school. However, in correctional pedagogy, data on stimulating the stage of egocentric speech in younger preschoolers with speech disorders are not presented. There is a need to develop methods and techniques for corrective work on the formation of egocentric speech in children of primary preschool age with speech disorders. This article is aimed at the theoretical substantiation of methods of corrective action at the stage of egocentric speech; identification of the features of the development of egocentric speech in children of primary preschool age with speech disorders and the allocation of directions of corrective action on the course of the egocentric speech stage in children with speech disorders. The leading method in the study of this problem was the method of observation and analysis of video materials, which made it possible to identify the features of egocentric speech in young preschool children with speech disorders. The study sample included 40 children of primary preschool age (of which 18 children 3–5 years old without speech impairments, 13 children with general speech underdevelopment (1 level), 9 children with general speech underdevelopment (2 level). features of the formation of egocentric speech in children of primary preschool age with speech disorders, methods of influencing the course of the stage of egocentric speech of children are proposed.

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Guseva, A. Y. (2022). DISCUSSION ISSUES OF EGOCENTRIC SPEECH DEVELOPMENT IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN WITH SPEECH DEVELOPMENT DISORDERS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 16(1), 183. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.1.10
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