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Problems of Professional Training , UDC: 378 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.4.03


  • Alisov Evgenii А. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor


The prerequisites of this study, which determined its relevance, are diverse manifestations of the digitalization trend, affecting the system of higher pedagogical education, including its methodological basis. The purpose of the article is to identify and characterize in the context of the activity approach the content of the planned directions for including the system of training teachers in solving the problems of digital transformation of the economy and public life. The article examines the specifics of the influence of the features of the modern stage of digital transformation on the field of higher education. A detailed description of the essential filling of epistemic spaces of the activity approach is given: paradigms, syntagms and pragmatics, taking into account the specifics of the university training of teachers. As key landmarks of modern higher pedagogical education, in the perspective of the activity approach, they are indicated: a targeted attitude to activities of continuous professional self-improvement, meaningful preparation for solving life problems, personalization of the educational environment of the university, organization of joint network activities. The application of the activity approach is correlated with the educational results normatively fixed in the standards. The principles of the system-modular organization of higher pedagogical education are updated: the principle of the humanistic nature of education, the principle of the unity of theory and practice, the principle of cognizability, the principle of objectivity. The relationship of the proclaimed installations for the modernization of the higher pedagogical education system with the private manifestations of the digital transformation process is traced. Based on the generalization and systematization of a number of theoretical and empirical scientific and pedagogical studies, it is concluded that it is necessary to maintain the active basis in the practice of implementing educational programs of higher pedagogical education, with the introduction of innovations in it that meet the general trends in the spread of digital technologies around the world.

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Alisov, E. А. (2022). DIGITAL CIRCUITS OF HIGHER PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION IN THE VIEW OF ACTIVITY APPROACH Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 16(4), 48. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.4.03
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