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Young Scientist's Pages , UDC: 159.9.07 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.4.11


  • Katkalo Ksenia D.
  • Pecherkina Anna A. PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor


At the present stage of development of psychological science, the study of human self-realization is an urgent task, since the results of such studies can qualitatively influence the life of both an individual and society as a whole. In this regard, this article is aimed at studying the personal and professional self-realization of a person. Based on a systematic and personal-developing approach, as well as on the provision on the conjugation of the personal and professional aspects of human development, we have proposed the construct “personal-professional self-realization”, which is understood as an integral characteristic of a person, due to the correspondence of personal resources to professional characteristics of activity, the success criterion of which is is life satisfaction and a high level of personal biographical reflection. From the standpoint of a systematic approach, the structural organization of personal and professional self-realization includes the estimated-target, resource, activity and emotional components. In order to study personal and professional self-realization, on the basis of the developed theoretical model, we conducted an empirical study among students who combine study and work activities. According to the results of the study, six types of personal and professional self-realization were identified — successful, promising, false, formal, restrained and romantic — differing in the severity of structural components (assessment-target, resource, activity and emotional). As a result of the regression analysis, predictors were identified that allow us to speak about the determinism of the components of personal and professional selfrealization by some variables. The described types of personal and professional selfrealization expand the understanding of the essence of the phenomenon under study and specify its features. The data obtained are important for solving such applied problems as professional selection, psychological and professional counseling, building programs for the psychoprophylaxis of developmental crises, and many other important applied aspects aimed at professional development and maintaining the psychological well-being of a person.

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Katkalo, K. D. & Pecherkina, A. A. (2022). TYPES OF PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL SELF-REALIZATION OF STUDENTS-PSYCHOLOGISTS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 16(4), 186. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.4.11
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