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Psychology , UDC: 811.161.1’373.43 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.2.06


  • Krasheninnikova Natal’ya A. PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Egorova Eleonora V. PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Tararina Larisa I. PhD in Education, Associate Professor
  • Kidinov Alexey V. Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor


This article discusses the collision of public consciousness with a new layer of vocabulary that arose as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the problems of the new language culture perception during the above-mentioned period. The new disease provoked the appearance of new lexical units in all the languages, which were necessary to denote phenomena that had not existed before. Such lexical units, or neologisms, were borrowed by the Russian language practically without changing the word form, which led to inadequate perception of new information, and, as a result, inaccurate compliance with covid prescriptions. The authors of the article analyzed English-language and Russian-language publications that were publicly available on the websites of modern online news outlets: BBC News, The Conversation, The Economic Times, aif.ru, Life.ru, Lenta.ru, etc. The choice of online resources is justified by the fact that they are an extremely fruitful source of neologisms. The chronological scope of the study was limited to April 2020 – September 2022. In general, the authors processed more than 200,000 printed characters of the text and selected lexical units that were considered to be neologisms of the COVID-era. The continuous sampling method was used for that purpose. In order to analyze how new lexical units were percepted by the audience, students and teachers of Ulyanovsk State University were asked to define selected neologisms and indicate whether their perception of this term had changed since the beginning of the pandemic. This work is a continuation of the research conducted by the authors on the problem of the emergence of new thematic neologisms, the results of which were published earlier. The results of the material analysis show that at the beginning of the pandemic, most of the respondents did not understand the exact meaning of the terms, which led to problems in adapting to a new language culture.

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Krasheninnikova, N. A., Egorova, E. V., Tararina, L. I. & Kidinov, A. V. (2023). PERCEPTION OF THE NEW LINGUISTIC CULTURE DURING THE PANDEMIC IN THE MINDS OF YOUNG PEOPLE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 17(2), 112. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.2.06
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