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Problems of Professional Training , UDC: 378 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.3.04


  • Krasheninnikova Ekaterina I.
  • Nikitin Oleg D. PhD in Pedagogical Sciences


The article presents a study on the problem of communicative competence development as an element of the future doctor’s readiness for professional interaction. Patient-centeredness has become a key component in the model of doctor-patient interaction recently. Obviously, the quality of interaction between a doctor and a patient highly depends on the communicative culture of a medical worker. However, a study conducted in 2023 by the Russian Research Institute of Health reported that there are communication barriers between a doctor and a patient. Thus, the problem of communicative competence development is urgent as current situation implies that doctors not only have proper medical knowledge, but also possess communication skills that contribute to effective professional interaction. In this regard, to train highly-skilled specialists, universities need to change the curricula in accordance with the existing reality. Such discipline as Foreign Language allows us to use almost the entire variety of pedagogical technologies to develop and master communication skills within the chosen professional activity. The analysis of Federal State Educational Standards shows that the requirements for Foreign Language mastery changed from general competence to general professional competence, and then to a transferable skill, which nevertheless implies a willingness to use a foreign language as a means of communication for academic and professional interaction. The development of communicative competence should comply interdisciplinary approach for the integrated application of theory and practice in professional activity. The mastering of communicative competence can also be facilitated by professionally oriented competitions, contests and conferences.

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Krasheninnikova, E. I. & Nikitin, O. D. (2023). COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE AS AN ELEMENT OF FORMATION OF MEDICAL STUDENT READINESS FOR PROFESSIONAL INTERACTION Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 17(3), 80. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.3.04
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