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Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology , UDC: 376 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.3.13


  • Guseynova Ascha A. PhD in Psychology
  • Manuylova Viktoria V. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
  • Ushakova Elena V. PhD of Psychological Sciences


This article is devoted to monitoring the educational environment for people with disabilities. The article discusses the concept of “educational environment”, describes the special educational needs of each nosological group, which must be taken into account when organizing the educational environment. A detailed analysis of the results of a monitoring study of the components of the educational environment in 60 educational organizations from 15 regions of the Russian Federation engaged in the education and training of persons with disabilities is presented. As part of the study of the organizational and managerial component, local regulatory legal acts of educational organizations regulating the provision of inclusive education conditions have been studied. The authors have identified the components of the educational environment studied in monitoring on the Google platform: organizational and managerial; subject-spatial; programmatic and methodological; informational. The analysis of the state of the subject-spatial component made it possible to assess the material and technical base of educational organizations adapted for persons with disabilities and disabilities, the accessibility of the environment for students of various nosological groups. The results of the study of the program and methodological component made it possible to assess the methodological security of the inclusive educational process. The monitoring study of the information component is based on the study of the adaptation of educational organizations’ websites to the needs of students with disabilities and their families; on the analysis of information resources used in the inclusive process, etc. The conducted research allowed to identify the problems of the organization of the educational environment, to determine the possibilities of eliminating these problems to ensure the achievement of the goals of education of persons of this category, as well as to outline promising areas of scientific research and practical developments. The research materials can be used not only in the practice of educational organizations, but also in healthcare and social protection institutions.

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Guseynova, A. A., Manuylova, V. V. & Ushakova, E. V. (2023). MONITORING OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 17(3), 242. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.3.13
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