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Pedagogy and Education , UDC: 37.013 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.3.02


  • Boychenko Ivan N.


The relevance of the problem highlighted by the author in the article lies in the need to understand the potential and limitations of using adaptive virtual and augmented reality technologies in education, especially in the study of social and humanitarian disciplines. In the modern world, the digitalization of education is becoming increasingly important, and the study of the possibilities of these technologies in learning is important for the development of the educational environment. The paper draws attention to the fact that although adaptive models of virtual and augmented reality can provide students with an individualized experience and the opportunity to conduct cognitive experiments, there are conceptual and value limitations that may hinder their effective use in education. The article analyzes the potential of virtual and augmented reality technologies in the near future to implement adaptive models in the learning process that allow students to customize any objects and processes, as well as manipulate them to gain individual experience and implement cognitive experiments. In the context of the use of such technologies for the study of social and humanitarian disciplines, the author believes that there are conceptual and value limitations that exclude such a possibility. The leading research methods were the analysis of scientific literature, theoretical modeling and extrapolation of experience. The analysis of relevant scientific literature devoted to the introduction of virtual and augmented reality technologies into the modern educational process is carried out. Based on the studied scientific literature and examples of the real use of virtual and augmented reality technologies in education, the author conducted a theoretical simulation of the possibilities of these technologies in the future. The paper also attempts to extrapolate existing experience and ideas about the possibilities of virtual and augmented reality to various scientific disciplines where they can be applied. For example, specific examples of the use of virtual reality in the study of biology and chemistry are considered. Studying this problem will help identify the prospects and challenges associated with the introduction of adaptive virtual and augmented reality technologies into the educational process, which is an important step in modern educational practice.

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Boychenko, I. N. (2024). THEORETICAL PROBLEMS OF USING ADAPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY IN THE STUDY OF SOCIAL AND HUMANITARIAN DISCIPLINES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (3), 32. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.3.02
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