Home Releases 2018, №3 (45)

Increase of Financial Literacy of Citizens of Pension Age: Features of the Content and Organization

Theory and Practice of Educating and Upbringing , UDC: 371.214.14


  • Novozhilova Natalia Vasilevna
  • Shalashova Marina Mikhailovna


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the content and organization of increase of financial literacy of citizens of retirement age at the Silver University of Moscow City Teacher Training University.

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Novozhilova, N. V. & Shalashova, M. M. (2018). Increase of Financial Literacy of Citizens of Pension Age: Features of the Content and Organization Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2018, №3 (45),
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3. Novozhilova N.V., Shalashova M.M. Resursy' i instrumenty' formirovaniya finansovoj gramotnosti obuchayushhixsya obshheobrazovatel'ny'x organizacij // Innovacionny'e proekty' i programmy' v obrazovanii. 2017. № 4. S. 35-41.
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