Home Releases 2018, №3 (45)

«And the Pursuit of Happiness»: Connecting American Education and Democracy

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  • Edgington William
  • Kromer Daniel J.


This article examines the relationship between democracy and public education in America. Analyzing the educational intents of the founding fathers and the beliefs of prominent American educators, the role of education in a democratic society is bro­ken into three components: a) defending democracy, b) expanding economic equality, and c) serving social institutions. A public education system remains not only supportive, but essential in protecting democracy and its many components.

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Edgington, W. . & Kromer, D. J. (2018). «And the Pursuit of Happiness»: Connecting American Education and Democracy Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2018, №3 (45),
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