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Changing the Teacher's Evaluative Activity in the Context of Using Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies

Problems of Professional Training , UDC: 371.26 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2020.52.2.03


  • Legostaev Bogdan Leonidovich


The article is devoted to the problems of changing the content and functions of the teacher's evaluative activity in terms of using virtual (VR) and augmented (AR) reality technologies. The article gives a brief description of the scientific historiography of the problem of pedagogical assessment and assessment activity. The types and kinds of pedagogical assessment are also considered, the changes that it undergoes in the situa­tion of using augmented reality technologies are analyzed, and the prospects for improving pedagogical assessment by increasing the number of parameters of the educational activity of the student are analyzed, based on the measurement of which the assessment is made.
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