- Aleksandr Savenkov
- Lvova Anna
- Lyubchenko Olga Andreevna
- Osipenko Lyudmila Evgenievna
The article presents the experience of using the activity approach to the training of future teachers of primary school to guide the research and design work of younger students. We present the theoretical foundations and description of the empirical stage of the research of process of acquiring by bachelor students the important professional competences in the development of cognitive interests and cognitive abilities of younger students.
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Aleksandr, S. ., Lvova, A. ., Lyubchenko, O. A. & Osipenko, L. E. (2016). Activity Approach to the Training of Future Teachers to Guide the Research and Design Teaching of Younger Students Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №2 (36),
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