Home Releases 2016, №2 (36)

Approbation of Scales of Quality Assessment of Pre-school Education (Early Childhood Environment Rating Scales — ECERS-R) in Moscow Kindergartens



  • Shiyan Igor B.
  • Zadadaev Sergey Alekseevich
  • Le-van Tatiana Nikolaevna
  • Shiyan Olga Alexandrovna


This article presents the results of studies on the approbation of international Scales of Quality Assessment of Pre-school Education ECERS-R in Russian kindergartens. The aim of the study was to investigate the possibility of using ECERS-R scales as a qua­lity assessment tool in the Russian system of preschool education.

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Shiyan, I. B., Zadadaev, S. A., Le-van, T. N. & Shiyan, O. A. (2016). Approbation of Scales of Quality Assessment of Pre-school Education (Early Childhood Environment Rating Scales — ECERS-R) in Moscow Kindergartens Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №2 (36),
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