Home Releases 2017, №2 (40)

Assessment of Competence of Teachers of Moscow in Moscow in the Issues of Provision of First Aid to Students

Problems of Professional Training


  • Ryabova Irina Viktorova
  • Sobolevskaya Tatiana Aleksandrovna
  • Nezhkina Natalya Nikolaevna
  • Nekhorosheva Elena Vladimirovna
  • Zverev Oleg Mikhailovich
  • Koshelev Ivan Viktorovich


The article presents the results of a survey of school teachers of Moscow in issues of provision of first aid for students with the aim of identifying the level and content of their awareness in this area of activity. The other aim was to design the activities for formation of the most important general professional competence - be ready to protect life and health of students. The authors made a conclusion that it is necessary to develop teaching activi­ties to increase the level of this competence.

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Ryabova, I. V., Sobolevskaya, T. A., Nezhkina, N. N., Nekhorosheva, E. V., Zverev, O. M. & Koshelev, I. V. (2017). Assessment of Competence of Teachers of Moscow in Moscow in the Issues of Provision of First Aid to Students Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2017, №2 (40),
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