Home Releases 2017, №1 (39)

Cyclic Representations and Development of Dialectical Structure of Thinking of Preschool Children



  • Veraksa Nikolay Evgenievich
  • Zadadaev Sergey Alekseevich
  • Senukova Zlata Valerievna


In the article the authors study the possibility of experimental determination of struc­ture of child's dialectical thinking using cyclic representations and apparatus of W-measure. The paper discusses the psychometric means, which help to detect the cyclic representa­tions of children which, in conjunction with the previously developed mathematical tech­niques, form a completed technique for measuring the degree of development of the dialec­tical structure of thinking at children of preschool age.

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Veraksa, N. E., Zadadaev, S. A. & Senukova, Z. V. (2017). Cyclic Representations and Development of Dialectical Structure of Thinking of Preschool Children Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2017, №1 (39),
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