Home Releases 2015, №4 (34)

Features of Construction Manuals in the Conditions of Integrative and Modular Approach to Teaching Discrete Mathematics

Theory and Practice of Educating and Upbringing


  • Deza Elena Ivanovna
  • Model Dmitry Lazarevich


The paper considers the issues related to the development of new generation of textbooks in conditions of integrative and modular approach to teaching mathematics. Functions of these textbooks are pointed out, the requirements to their structure and content are formulated. The appropriateness of their modular construction is proved. The necessity to point out a fundamental core of content of education is grounded. Theoretical theses are analyzed on an example of the textbook «Fundamentals of Discrete Mathematics» developed by the authors for students of mathematical faculties of teachers' training universities.

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Deza, E. I. & Model, D. L. (2015). Features of Construction Manuals in the Conditions of Integrative and Modular Approach to Teaching Discrete Mathematics Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №4 (34),
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