- Yasvin Vitold A.
- Rybinskaya Svetlana Nikolaevna
In the article the authors substantiate the necessity of rich in content expansion of the criteria base for evaluating the quality of work of educational institutions in the context of implementation of the new priorities of the educational policy of the Russian Federation. It is shown that integrated assessment of educational institutions must reflect along with the level of educational achievements of students also the level of organization of educational conditions and opportunities. The methodology and technology of integrated assessment of educational organizations, developed and successfully tested within the limits of urban network of innovative projects of the Department of Education of Moscow city are presented. The authors statistically proved connection between educational achievements of students with different characteristics of the school environment. A comparative analysis of the official rating and experimental rating of general education organizations is presented. Integrated rating of general education institutions was tested.
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Yasvin, V. A. & Rybinskaya, S. N. (2015). Integrated Assessment of General Education Organizations Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №4 (34),
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