Home Releases 2015, №2 (32)

Interconnection of Value Orientations with Emotional and Semantic Representations of Teenagers about themselves and a Friend



  • Korneeva Tat’yana Vladislavovna


The article is devoted to the research of psychological features, value orientations, emotional and semantic perceptions of 14–15 years old teenage boys about themselves and their friend’s personality. The following methods were used during the research: Schwartz’ value questionnaire, “Personal differential” methods, Liri’s method of studying the individual characteristics of transpersonal behaviour. The positive interrelation of value orientations of teenagers with their perceptions about themselves and friend’s personality was revealed.

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Korneeva, T. V. (2015). Interconnection of Value Orientations with Emotional and Semantic Representations of Teenagers about themselves and a Friend Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №2 (32),
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