Home Releases 2015, №1 (31)

Research of Multicultural Composition of Modern Primary School in the City of Moscow

Theory and Practice of Educating and Upbringing


  • Zinovieva Tatyana Ivanovna
  • Afanasieva Zhanna Viktorovna


The article considers the problem of teaching the Russian language migrants' children — the students at schools in Moscow city. It shows the reflection of this problem in the main normative documents. The authors present the results of the research of multi­cultural composition at modern primary school of metropolitan region.

How to link insert

Zinovieva, T. I. & Afanasieva, Z. V. (2015). Research of Multicultural Composition of Modern Primary School in the City of Moscow Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №1 (31),
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