Home Releases 2016, №3 (37)

Self-Attitude of a Teenager in the Conditions of Co-distributed Learning Activity

Young Scientist's Pages


  • Kotina Natalya Nikolaevna


The article for the first time analyzes the influence of co-distributed learning activity, which is an integral part of the implementation of the federal state standard of the se­cond generation on the possibility to change self-attitude of a child of early adolescence. The author sets out the key results of the forming experiment for the use of specified lear­ning activity for meaningful and structural change of self-attitude of children.

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Kotina, N. N. (2016). Self-Attitude of a Teenager in the Conditions of Co-distributed Learning Activity Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №3 (37),
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