Home Releases 2015, №3 (33)

Technology of Teaching First-Formers with Special Educational Needs Methods of Work with the Textbook on the Russian Language

Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology


  • Shulekina Yulia Aleksandrovna


This article considers the problem of the creation of a textbook on the Russian lan­guage, that takes into account the special educational needs of frst-formers with speech diffculties and cognitive underdevelopment. In this regard, the author provides special educational technologies and techniques of effective teaching of such frst-formers to work independently with the textbook. The purpose of this article is to analyze the special tech­nologies of teaching modern frst-formers to work independently with a modern textbook on the Russian language.

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Shulekina, Y. A. (2015). Technology of Teaching First-Formers with Special Educational Needs Methods of Work with the Textbook on the Russian Language Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2015, №3 (33),
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