Home Releases 2018, №1 (43)

Temporary Loci of Meaning in aDolescents with Deviant Behaviour

Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology


  • Kogan Boris M.
  • Kozlov Yuriy Alexandrovich


In this article, an analysis is made of deviating forms of behaviour from the standpoint of Victor Frankl's theory of a noogenic neurosis. The concepts of "existential vacuum", "existential frustration", "phenomenon of loss of meaning" are considered as a group of factors influencing the formation of adolescent escapism in conditions of the age crisis. For the first time, the technique of diagnosing actual semantic states for the study of adoles­cents with deviant behavior was applied. A comparison of the representation of eight types of actual semantic states (ASS) among adolescents with deviant behaviour and their peers with socio-typical behavior was carried out.

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Kogan, B. M. & Kozlov, Y. A. (2018). Temporary Loci of Meaning in aDolescents with Deviant Behaviour Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2018, №1 (43),
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