Home Releases 2016, №1 (35)

The Complexity of the Problem and the Difficulty of its Solution



  • Matyushkina Anna Alekseevna


The article considers the problem of correlation of the objective complexity of men­tal problem and subjectively felt difficulty of its solving. The novelty and significance of the theme are connected with the empirical development of factors of complexity and dificulty in the context of the semantic theory of thought and the theory of prob­lem situations. The study shows that the complexity is determined by the characteristics of the conditions of the problem that specify the non-obviousness of the solution. The dif­ficulty is associated with the novelty, generalization, interest to the assignment by the su­bject, professional orientation of his/her thinking.

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Matyushkina, A. A. (2016). The Complexity of the Problem and the Difficulty of its Solution Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2016, №1 (35),
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