Home Releases 2017, №3 (41)

The Foundations of the Structural Dialectics

Pedagogical Education


  • Veraksa Nikolay Evgenievich
  • Zadadaev Sergey A.


The study discusses the formalization of dialectical transformations, expressed in the language of mathematical theory of categories. The model of the dialectical structure, constructed in the article, is actually a full and exact description of discrete dialectical transformations and relations between them known to date. In addition, the developed formalism leads to the discovery of two new types of discrete dialectical transformation: a secondary mediation and secondary unification. The material of the article is illustrated by examples of dialectics of thinking in ontological confrontation: the child and the parent.

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Veraksa, N. E. & Zadadaev, S. A. (2017). The Foundations of the Structural Dialectics Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2017, №3 (41),
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