Home Releases 2017, №4 (42)

The Game as a Preschooler's Leading Activity. At the Turn of the Century: the Movement Towards Freedom

The History of Pedagogical and Psychological Education


  • Trifonova Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna


This article is a continuation of the previously published work "The game as a leading activity of a preschooler. The XX-th century: the path from creativity to regulation". This article deals with the ways to overcome the critical situation that has developed by the end of the twentieth century regarding the understanding and organization of gaming activi­ties in kindergarten conditions and traced further change of name of the game as a leading activity, including the modern regulatory documents.

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Trifonova, E. V. (2017). The Game as a Preschooler's Leading Activity. At the Turn of the Century: the Movement Towards Freedom Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 2017, №4 (42),
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