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Digital Resources in Formal and Non-Formal Education of the Pedagogical Master’s Program Students

Problems of Professional Training , UDC: 378.147 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2021.56.2.03


  • Asafova Elena Vladimirovna PhD in Biology
  • Khalmetov Timur Anvarovich
  • Sabirov Ilnur Foatovich


The current educational situation actualizes researches devoted to elucidating the pros- pects for the demand for digital resources by students. These resources make it possible to realize the activity of students in the educational environment. They are the basis for in- tegrating the potentials of formal, non­formal and informal education. The purpose of this research is to assess the demand for digital resources, their quantitative and qualitative diversity as well as the motives and reasons for their choice by students of master’s degree in pedagogy in study and self­study. The questionnaire shows that students use digital resources not only in learning (40 %), in self­study (29 %), but also combine these oppor- tunities (27 %). These resources fully or partially match the profile of education. Students who receive pedagogical education prefer to use such resources as video tutorials, webinars and digital resources developed and recommended by university teachers. The main motives for students to choose digital resources are the study of educational material (theoretical preparation) and practical tasks. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop a persona­ lized model for embedding digital resources into the master’s degree program in teacher education. Identification of the features of using digital resources and the reasons for stu- dents to choose them is important for teachers in terms of improving information content, developing various ways to master it based on the interaction of subjects of the educational process. The results of the research show the necessity to find optimal and effective ways of combining learning and self­learning in order to combine the opportunities formal, non­formal / informal education.

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Asafova, E. V., Khalmetov, T. A. & Sabirov, I. F. (2021). Digital Resources in Formal and Non-Formal Education of the Pedagogical Master’s Program Students Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (56), 46-60. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2021.56.2.03
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