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Identifying the Role of Parents in Social Inclusion, Raising Children with Severe Multiple Developmental Disorders

Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology , UDC: 376.2(075.8) DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2021.56.2.10


  • Titova Oksana Vladimirovna PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
  • Klimenova Diana Sergeevna


The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that inclusive education is currently being actively implemented in Russia. All children with special educational needs, including those with severe multiple developmental disabilities, are included in the educational envi- ronment. However, educational inclusion is only part of a large pedagogical work in the pro- cess of socialization of persons with severe multiple developmental disorders. In addition to training and education, it is necessary to solve the issues of social inclusion of students of the declared category. The process of social inclusion at the present stage includes many components and is implemented using various technologies under the guidance of spe- cialists, including parents of students with severe multiple disorders. The role of parents in the process of socialization of their children is leading. The position of the family depends on how successful this process will be. The article presents the results of an experimental study aimed at identifying the role of parents in social inclusion, raising children with severe multiple developmental disorders. The main research methods were questionnaire survey, structured interview. The presented empirical data showed that parents have three levels of competence formation on the issues of social inclusion of children. There was a direct correlation between the level of formation of parents’ competencies on issues of social inclu­ sion and the level of formation of ideas about public places and rules of behavior in them in students with severe multiple developmental disorders. At the same time, the specialists of the educational organization demonstrate a high level of understanding of the goals and objectives of social inclusion, which indicates the possible potential for interaction between families and educational organizations in matters of social inclusion of students with severe multiple developmental disorders. The received data is new since no similar research results have been found in open sources over the past five years

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Titova, O. V. & Klimenova, D. S. (2021). Identifying the Role of Parents in Social Inclusion, Raising Children with Severe Multiple Developmental Disorders Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (56), 162-176. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2021.56.2.10
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