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Study of Values and Value Orientations of the Individual in the History of Psychology

The History of Pedagogical and Psychological Education , UDC: 159.99 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2021.56.2.08


  • Bakushkin Ivan Anatolyevich
  • Ilicheva Irina Mikhailovna Doctor of Psychology, Professor


The article examines the dynamics of ideas about the values and value orientations of the individual from antiquity to the present day­from the understanding of values as the goals and meaning of knowledge, good and justice to moral and spiritual ideals. The article presents a linguistic analysis of the concept: the term «value» refers to a variety of phenomena — objects, phenomena, as well as ideas that contain moral and spiritual ideals and act as standards of correct and required, socially approved behavior and way of thinking. The author examines the origins of approaches to the understanding of values, the theory of values in philosophy and psychology, the peculiarities of the understanding of values in philosophy and psychology, in sociology and religious context, the origins of diverse ideas in modern psychology. The sociological approach defines values from the objective­ materialistic point of view as specific manifestations of social relations and the normative­ evaluative side of public consciousness, and the religious approach­ from the point of view of specific life goals. Value orientations in the philosophical understanding are an important element inherent in the structure of society and the individual, the most important element of culture, they are fixed by individual life experience and experiences, distinguishing the primary for a person from the secondary, less important. For psychology, the origin of the values of a person whose value orientations are the most important elements of the structure of his personality, which are manifested in activi­ ty, is important. The article analyzes the approaches to the value orientations of the individual in domestic and foreign psychology, which are considered as a component of its orientation, attitude to various phenomena of the surrounding world, the regulator of behavior in various life situations, the center of spiritual development, the basis of beliefs and attitudes, general guidelines of life activity, directed behavior. The influence of values on self­realization, the classification of values on various grounds is considered.

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Bakushkin, I. A. & Ilicheva, I. M. (2021). Study of Values and Value Orientations of the Individual in the History of Psychology Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 2 (56), 136-149. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2021.56.2.08
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