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The impact of pedagogical technology of motivational development onto value self-determination of students with the high level of leader’s potential

Psychology , UDC: 37.032.5 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2021.57.3.08


  • Oshchepkov Aleksey Alexandrovich PhD in Psychology
  • Rerke Victoriaya Igorevna PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor
  • Friauf Vladimir Vladimirovich


Abstract. The relevance of the study is caused by the need to cultivate in the growing generation the leader's abilities, important for modern society with its challenges to profes­sional's personality who is able to initiative and responsibility. Modern tendencies of so­ciety development are expressed in transit from traditional systems of knowledge transfer to modern complex approaches to development of personality of future specialists. To solve complicated problems of modern society critical and creative thinking together with ability of cooperative problem solving is required. Along with this, it is worth considering the fact that human activity, in particular educational and professional, is encapsulated with its va­lues system, that increases the role of value-based approach in the frames of educational process of professional development. With the relation to it, the given article is directed to study the impact of pedagogical conditions onto values orientations system of young generation. The leading method of the problem is pedagogical experiment, which allowed to reveal the dynamics of youth's values in the conditions of pedagogical processб aug­mented with the pedagogical program of motivational development. In the frameworks of the given program the life ways, the significant people involved in the life situations of young people were studied that allowed us to reveal the main values constructs orienting young people in the relations to self, to surroundings, to society and to the world generally. In the work it is revealed, that the youth's orientation to achievements and social relations let them develop leader's abilities. The presented in the article materials allow us enrich the pedagogical process, directed to develop initiative and responsible personality.

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Oshchepkov, A. A., Rerke, V. I. & Friauf, V. V. (2021). The impact of pedagogical technology of motivational development onto value self-determination of students with the high level of leader’s potential Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (57), 148-164. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2021.57.3.08
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