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Historical stages of the formation of pedagogy of life-meaning orientations

The History of Pedagogical and Psychological Education , UDC: 37.01 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2021.57.3.11


  • Ulyanova Irina Valentinovna Associate Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences


Abstract. In the conditions of a post-industrial society, burdened with the problems of globalism, liberalism, absolute technocratism, the cult of the philosophy of postmoder­nism (rhizome, sarcasm), pragmatism, individualism, the disintegration of social relations, the individual faces the issues of an existential vacuum, frustration, loss of the meaning of life. They are most acutely experienced by minors who do not have the necessary expe­rience, relevant knowledge for the formation of self-determination skills, life creation, goal setting. The analysis of the Russian pedagogical theory and practice, progressive pedagogi­cal concepts of foreign countries shows that it is the pedagogical conditions of educational organizations that have a resource that can effectively assist adolescents and youth in choo­sing a constructive life path, in the conscious formation of humanistic life orientations. The developed independent pedagogical direction-pedagogy of life-meaning orientations-mobilizes the efforts of all subjects of the educational organization to accompany minors in the era of post-industrialism. The article emphasizes the regularity of the emergence of pedagogy of life-meaning orientations in the context of the development of humanistic pedagogy as a scientific humanitarian field and specifies its historical stages, these are: I. Pre-scientific pedagogical (Antiquity - XXVII century). II. Scientific-fragmentary (imma­nent, author's: XVII century - the beginning of the XX century). III. Separate (1917-1991). IV. Scientific-system-local (1991 - to the present). The purpose of the article is to present a retrospective theoretical justification of the basic provisions of the pedagogy of life — meaning orientations. The study was conducted on the basis of an integrative (in the ag­gregate — a systematic, holistic, axiological, cultural) approach; methods of comparative analysis, differentiation, deduction, generalization was used. The results consist in fixing the natural appearance and development of an independent pedagogical direction in the bo­som of humanistic pedagogy, which has relevant principles of organizing the educational process that meets the challenges of the time.

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Ulyanova, I. V. (2021). Historical stages of the formation of pedagogy of life-meaning orientations Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 3 (57), 203-224. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2021.57.3.11
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