Pedagogical Education , UDC: 378.4 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2021.58.4.01


  • Svetlana Vachkova Associate Professor, Doctor of Education
  • Petryaeva Elena Yu. PhD in Pedagogy, PhD in Pedagogy
  • Yashina Irina A.


Digital technologies are transforming educational activities. The transition from passive perception of knowledge to independent completion of tasks is gradually being carried out, and there are more opportunities for solving the problems of individualization and differentiation of learning. Under the influence of the digital transformation of education, the teacher’s activity is also changing. The digital transformation of school education in Moscow is associated with the development of the “Moscow Electronic School” (hereinafter — MES). For the period of 2021, more than 130 thousand teachers from Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation worked with the tools and services of the MES. This study is aimed at identifying changes in the activities of teachers due to active use of the digital MES resources and tools in the educational process. The main methods were the analysis of data from digital footprints of teachers in the MES to form a sample of teachers who actively work with the MES, conducting questionnaires and interviews, analyzing information on school websites. The study sample included 23 teachers of primary general education from 17 Moscow schools and 43 teachers of basic general education from 37 Moscow schools. When interacting with teachers, studying contextual information, it was revealed: ways to motivate teachers to use digital resources and tools, new types of teacher activities and activities that are undergoing changes or disappear, changes in the planning of educational content, teachers’ assessments regarding the impact of e-school materials on educational outcomes of children. The results of the study allow us to fix a number of debatable questions: about the development and authorship of electronic educational content, about the ratio of the time that a teacher spends on working with digital tools and on live communication with students, about the influence of the digital environment on educational results, etc.
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