The History of Pedagogical and Psychological Education , UDC: 159.98 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2021.58.4.10


  • Pekar Elena V.
  • Sokolskaya Marina V. Associate Professor, Doctor of Psychology


The article sketches the historical background to the problem of the psychological approach to the study of errors in the professional activity of an operator. The stages in the history of studying the operator’s erroneous actions are highlighted in the article. The relevance of the topic is determined by the need for solving modern problems arising in practice so that to improve the reliability of the system “man – technology – environment” in the developing industrial, transport, energy, space and other extreme areas of professional activity, to reduce the risk of accidents. The study is aimed at fundamental theoretical substantiation of the problem with the aim of identifying and describing erroneous actions, the characteristics of the operator and their role in the professional activity. Research methods are the following: analytical review of theoretical and applied works, methodological approaches, practical solutions in manufacturing; generalization, the result of which is filling the content of the concept of “operator error”; systematization of available knowledge in the form of a unified picture on the issue under study. The error is viewed from the position of the subject-activity approach, as a unit of psychological analysis of labor activity, the study of which brings it closer to an objective study of the psyche of the subject of activity. An updated understanding of the research subject has been formulated. The authors raise the question of the effectiveness and efficiency of existing approaches in the study of operator errors, identify the difficulties affecting the solution of the issue of transport and industrial safety. The significance of this work can be considered as a generalization of knowledge about an error in the professional activity of an operator, the formation of the basis for further consideration of the problem in the context of erroneous actions of operators of technical systems.
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