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Psychology , UDC: 373.24 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2021.58.4.06


  • Veraksa Nikolay Evgenievich professor, Doctor of Psychology


The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the relationship between the development of dialectical thinking and the understanding of emotions in preschool age. The article shows that the study of mediation in Vygotsky’s works demonstrates the unity of the cognitive and affective spheres already in early childhood. Moreover, symbolic generalizations play a special role in the development of children’s consciousness. They reflect not only the originality of the figurative representations associated with the word, but also make it possible to include children’s experiences in the process of developing concepts. Thus, there is a fundamental opportunity to raise the question of the parallel development of thinking and the emotional sphere of the child. An analysis of the development of concepts in childhood shows that there is a certain correspondence between the stages in the development of understanding of emotions and the stages in the development of thinking. Indeed, the stages of development of concepts according to L. S. Vygotsky are congruent with the stages of development of understanding of emotions, presented in the model of F. Pons and P. Harris. Critical consideration of the operational concept of the development of intelligence by J. Piaget, carried out by K. Riegel, showed that in the formation of systems of intellectual operations, dialectical thinking performs a significant function, which gives additional grounds for putting forward an assumption about the connection between dialectical thinking and understanding emotions. The performed analysis also suggests that the meaning-forming function in the development of understanding of emotions, regulation of emotional states and control of mental activity is performed by the word.

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Veraksa, N. E. (2021). THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF RESEARCH IN RELATION OF DIALECTICAL THINKING AND EMOTIONS UNDERSTANDING IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", № 4 (58), . https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2021.58.4.06
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