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Psychology , UDC: 158.9.072 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2022.16.1.06


The work is devoted to the analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of the use of metaphorical associative cards (hereinafter referred to as MAC) in the practice of providing psychological assistance. The use of MAC in psychological practice is due to the fact that many theoretical aspects remain insufficiently studied. There is a shortage of methods for their use based on taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of clients, which makes the problem of studying the use of MAC overtopical. For this, the following tasks were solved: review of publications on the use of MAC; development of the author’s metaphorical associative cards “Vessels”; analysis of the results of testing the MAC “Vessels” in the prevention of emotional burnout of parents raising children with disabilities. In the course of the study, theoretical research methods were used to analyze theoretical concepts and empirical ones — to describe the experience of developing and using the MAC “Vessels”. As a result of the study, it was found that the whole theory of MAC has not been formed and needs to be improved. The categorical and terminological apparatus in working with the MAC is in its initial stage, which leads to a different reading of the key category. It is interpreted in multiple ways: metaphorical cards, associative cards, therapeutic cards, projective cards, psychotherapeutic cards. The most stable is the use of the concept “metaphorical associative cards”. In the process of working with MAC “Vessels”, clients self-disclose. When summing up the results of the work, the respondents note an improvement in their mood. Initial approbation showed the effectiveness of the author’s deck of MAC “Vessels”, although we believe that the results obtained do not fully meet the specified requirements. Further testing is needed to obtain reliable empirical data based on reliable and valid methods for measuring change in clients.
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