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Problems of Professional Training , UDC: 376:378 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.3.02


  • Valek Nataliya A. PhD in Philological Science
  • Pozdina Elena A. PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Gimaliev Vagiz G. PhD of Pedagogical Sciences


Industry research institutes (IRI) play the key role in training of narrowly focused experts and enhancement of the post-graduate education effectiveness. IRI provide ties between science and production, science and practice. This is here where professional training of young industrial and scientific staff, students, post-graduate students, and researchers goes on. Here industry (or: applied) science develops on and connects academic and university researchers, studies, developments and innovations for industrial applications. Nowadays they evaluate efficiency of IRI and their staff with the methods that are applied to scientific institutions: results of researches carried out in the frameworks of governmental or branch assignments, a number of researchers’ publications and their quality (including the number of citations), the impact factor of the journals issued by an institution, and a number of other indirect but, nevertheless, objective indicators are take into consideration. In the conditions of the changing state policy in the sphere of scientific information and assessment of the institutions’ scientific efficiency that is aimed to protection of the national interests, and lately appeared stable trend to decreasing of the researchers’ number IRI are particularly responsible, on the state scale, for reproduction of highly qualified production and scientific staff. As a study case the article uses special features of Russian Research Institute for Integrated Water Management and Protection (Rostov-on-the Don) functioning. Analysis (including that of bibliometric and scientometric indicators), synthesis, and deduction are the main methods of research. Bibliometric data bases and citation indices served the sources of data. The work has been carried out with taking into account relevant regulatory acts and methodical materials. As the Russian Index of Scientific Citation has shown, national IRI are sufficiently isolated structures focused on themselves and this fact hinders coordination of the interests of science and practice. Quite often IRI deal with solution of specific local problems (sometimes certain provincialism and preoccupation with petty matters are typical). The authors propose some practice-oriented recommendations aimed at enhancement of the IRI efficiency and lobbying the interests of their industries science.

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Valek, N. A., Pozdina, E. A. & Gimaliev, V. G. (2023). FACTORS OF THE INDUSTRY RESEARCH INSTITUTE EFFECTIVENESS DEVELOPMENT IN THE CURRENT SITUATION Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 17(3), 25. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.3.02
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