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The History of Pedagogical and Psychological Education , UDC: 373.1; 374.1; 377.2–8; 378.1 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.3.10


  • Kilyachina Anna I.


The article examines the Russian experience of educational policy in the field of development of the system of continuing education at the beginning of the XX century. Despite the active development of the problem of building a system of continuing education by modern researchers, issues related to the historical experience of implementing the idea of continuity have fallen out of the field of view of historians of pedagogy. When considering this issue, it is important to take into account that the state’s desire to develop a system of continuing education is built at the level of the country’s goals and priorities, and is not an accidental consequence of the educational reforms being implemented. In this regard, the purpose of the study was to analyze the main goals, principles and measures for the implementation of the educational policy of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the XX century. Their reflection has become the central task of this article. In the course of the study, a systematic approach served as the leading one in the analysis of the educational policy of the Government of Nicholas II. Thus, continuing education was considered as a system of state and public organizations of education and public education, allowing everyone to continue their educational path if they wish. The results of the study demonstrate the desire of the Russian government to develop a system of continuing education at the beginning of the XX century. The manifestation of these aspirations was an active activity to increase the number and expand the types of educational and educational institutions, as well as to ensure the continuity of general and vocational education. The proposed material will allow a new look at the state of education in pre-revolutionary Russia, and its qualitative understanding can help in the development of modern foundations for the organization of a system of continuing education.

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Kilyachina, A. I. (2023). EDUCATIONAL POLICY IN THE FIELD OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF CONTINUING EDUCATION IN THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE XX CENTURY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 17(3), 189. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.3.10
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