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Problems of Professional Training , UDC: 37.032 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.4.05


  • Ivlev Pavel S.
  • Fomin Sergey D.
  • Belous Igor Alexandrovich Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Currently the analysis of the concept ‘ambition’ and its semantic field has become relevant. Researchers actively discuss ambition in scientific papers and conferences in both negative and positive contexts. Ambition can be different depending on the objectives of a person. Ambition exists in all spheres of human life and is inherent to humans. In this paper, the authors present their vision of this subject. The paper presents the results of the study of the role of ambition in development of professional competencies of students. The study consists of two parts. The aim of the first part of the study was to analyse how the students of 2–4 years enrolled in the programme ‘Information and Communication Technologies and Systems’ of the Engineering study field understand the concept of ambition, their attitudes towards ambition, and the level of their ambitiousness. The second part was dedicated to identifying correlations between the level of ambitiousness and the learning outcomes of students of the 2nd year enrolled in the programme ‘Information and Communication Technologies and Systems’. In total, 24 students were involved at this stage. The survey was conducted on the Google Forms and Yandex Forms platforms. The survey was conducted and the data was collected related to the level of ambitiousness and the learning outcomes of students. The students with higher ambitions have average results in the academic ranking. This is due to the fact that they choose hardly achievable but achievable goals. Lowest mean academic score have students with average ambition. They cannot choose priorities for themselves at each stage and do not achieve their goals or achieve them but with low results. The study revealed that healthy ambitions are prevailing for students of engineering programmes when analysed in total. However, the analysis of each individual case revealed that students have both healthy and unhealthy ambitions. The results of the study including the ways of developing ambition, the types of ambition and their characteristics contribute to the understanding of importance of ambition and the ways of its development, offer opportunities for self-study and self-development among students of university-level engineering programmes, as well as for self-reflection by applying the described qualities upon oneself.

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Ivlev, P. S., Fomin, S. D. & Belous, I. A. (2023). THE ANALYSIS OF AMBITION AND THE WAYS OF ITS DEVELOPMENT AMONG STUDENTS OF ENGINEERING PROGRAMMES Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 17(4), 79. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2023.17.4.05
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