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Theory and Practice of Educating and Upbringing , UDC: 37.013 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.1-1.07


  • Adamsky Alexander I. PhD in Education
  • Podbolotova Marina Ivanovna PhD in Pedagogy
  • Ustyugova Olga B.
  • Kolachev Nikita I. PhD in Psychology


The analysis of approaches to determining the essence of pedagogical activity, the study of practices and reconstruction of activities of teachers in Moscow and other regions of Russia who use high-tech learning tools in their activities allow us to consider the necessity of constructing a teacher’s activity from positions determined, first of all, by the changes in the sociocultural situation of the development of the modern society and the transformation of education characterized by the rapid development of technology and pedagogical innovations. In this connection, this article is aimed to, based on the assessment of the dynamics and nature of the relevant processes presented in the scientific articles and research data, reconstruct the activity, describe the individual operations (modes of action) of a teacher and build a multidimensional model of the activity of teachers who use high-tech learning tools in their practice. The article presents and describes a model of a teacher’s activity as a framework that reflects the interrelation and interdependence of the instrumental, subject-based, and social aspects of their activity in the logic of the unity of educational process and the internal connection of action mediated by the use of high-tech learning tools in the following projection: operation (method) – meaning of action – interaction. The reconstruction of activities and descriptions of operations (methods of action) of teachers who use high-tech learning tools, according to the activity model we proposed, made it possible to determine a generalized algorithm of activity of teachers who use high-tech learning tools in their activities.

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Adamsky, A. I., Podbolotova, M. I., Ustyugova, O. B. & Kolachev, N. I. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF A MODEL OF ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS USING HIGH-TECH LEARNING TOOLS BASED ON RECONSTRUCTION OF ACTIVITIES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF OPERATIONS (ACTIONS) Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (1-1), 140. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.1-1.07
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