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Pedagogical Education , UDC: 371.2-5 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.1-1.05


  • Igor Remorenko M. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor


When analyzing the educational policy of the state, comparative historical and pedagogical research is of particular interest, since understanding historical experience and its comparison with the challenges of our time allows predicting possible further decisions in the field of educational development. This article discusses the results of a comparative analysis of the educational policy of the Ministry of National Education of the Russian Empire implemented during the 1880s and the 1890s with the modern educational policy of Russia. The main goal of the study was to highlight the key trends in the implementation of the conservative educational policy based on a comparison of laws and orders adopted in the last quarter of the 19th century under the Minister of National Education Ivan D. Delyanov with the regulatory documents implemented during the last decade in the modern educational system of Russia. Turning to these sources made it possible to consider specific administrative decisions and highlight both their general characteristics and some distinctive features. It is worth noting that the analyzed circulars reflect not only the policy of the Ministry of National Education, but also the educational policy of the government as a whole. The same trend is very characteristic of the modern period. The materials presented in the article show some of the characteristic features and trends of the conservative educational policy of the state, which include: increased attention to education and development of values; attaching great importance to developing relations between person, state, and society; attention to the symbols and traditions of the state; increased attention to professional choice and regulated labor market; imposing restrictions on some educational stakeholders to participate in educational and public awareness activities; enforcing participation in organized activities; paternalistic nature of implemented measures. To expand the list of identified trends of the conservative educational policy, further research must incorporate more groups of sources in the analysis, as well as include sociological studies and international administrative practices.

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Igor, R. M. (2024). GENERAL INSTITUTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CONSERVATIVE EDUCATIONAL POLICY OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION DURING THE ERA OF ALEXANDER III AND IN THE MODERN RUSSIA Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (1-1), 91. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.1-1.05
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