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Psychology , UDC: 371; 33:37 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.2.12


  • Kosykh Oksana I. PhD in Historical Sciences
  • Ponomarenko Elena B. PhD (Philology), Associate Professor
  • Donskova Lyudmila A. PhD (Philology), Associate Professor


The relevance of the study is determined by the growth of objective risks and threats to the comprehensive security of the Russian Federation: economic, political and information threats, instability of social well-being of society. These risks lead to limited accessibility of the population to social infrastructure (services in the sphere of education, health care, culture, social protection). The sphere of education, being the most significant for the development and preservation of human capital and potential of the country, determining the competitiveness of the state, seems to be the most important in the implementation of measures to reduce and prevent modern and potential risks and threats. In addition, the 21st century is characterized by the intensification of globalization processes and global challenges. Despite the development of the system of international cooperation to date, the issues of comprehensive security in general, national, and public security, come to the forefront for the Russian Federation. The hypothesis of the study is that one of the important mechanisms for ensuring comprehensive security of the country can be the targeted development of the education system, which has rarely been fully studied in the relevant context. The aim of the research: to study the risks and threats of the Russian education system in the context of ensuring national security of the country. The article presents the results of the theoretical study, the source of information in which became the scientific works of domestic and foreign authors on the designated problem. VOSviewer program was used as a means of bibliometric analysis. The sample of the study consisted of academic scientific works of Russian and foreign authors. As a result of the study of the current state of the education system in the context of key factors of its impact on the national security of the Russian Federation, the priority tasks for the state were formulated, the main and potential risks and threats were identified.

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Kosykh, O. I., Ponomarenko, E. B. & Donskova, L. A. (2024). EDUCATION AS A SYSTEM-BREAKING FACTOR IN PROVIDING SECURITY OF THE COUNTRY Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (2), 189. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.2.12
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