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Special Pedagogy and Special Psychology , UDC: 376.3 DOI: 10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.2.09


  • Mospan Tatyana Yа.


The article reveals the specifics of working with parents when providing support to young children after surgical treatment of congenital cleft lip and/or palate. The article identifies the indicators of involvement of child’s parents, which are presented in the “COMPASS” system developed by the author, and which affect the results and the speed of speech therapy rehabilitation. Four groups of parents were identified, based on the indicators of involvement, which are manifested in the interaction of a parent with a specialist during correctional training. An analysis of changes in these indicators during the process of providing support was also carried out. Based on the identified criteria and indicators of involvement, the article suggests a list of conditions that should be observed when organizing support and conducting correctional classes and training consultations in order to obtain effective results of correctional work. The article describes the forms of work with parents during speech therapy support to children of this category, depending on the level of parents’ involvement.

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Mospan, T. Y. (2024). THE LEVEL OF PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT AS AN INDICATOR OF THE DYNAMICS OF REHABILITATION OF CHILDREN WITH CONGENITAL CLEFT LIP AND/OR PALATE IN THE PROCESS OF FAMILY SPEECH THERAPY IN THE «COMPASS» SYSTEM Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (2), 145. https://doi.org/10.25688/2076-9121.2024.18.2.09
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