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Pedagogy and Education , UDC: 378 DOI: 10.24412/2076-9121-2024-4-40-63


  • Svetlana Vachkova N. Doctor of Education, Associate Professor
  • Elena Gevorkyan N. Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education
  • Fedorovskaya Maria N.


The modern Russian education system is characterized by a high level of innovation; the emergence and development of educational services based on artificial intelligence technologies; the development of educational programmed based on digital technologies, robotic systems, and big data. This situation imposes new requirements to the staffing of educational organizations in general and to the professional competencies of teaching staff in particular. Thus, the problems of development of the staffing of educational organizations come to the forefront for the national education system. The article presents the results of theoretical research of the problem of normative legal regulation of the development of staffing of educational organizations of general education in Moscow. The methodological basis of the study was formed by 1) normative legal acts regulating educational activities in the Russian Federation; 2) domestic and foreign studies in the field of development of staffing status of general educational organizations of Moscow; 3) official web pages of federal and regional executive authorities, carrying out management and control in the field of education; websites of educational organizations of general education in Moscow. The data were analyzed qualitatively using general scientific methods of cognition: the method of comparison, analytical method, method of inferential analysis, and the method of data analysis. Objective of the research: to study the normative legal framework of the problem of developing the staffing status of general education organizations in Moscow and to formulate a list of normative legal acts regulating this activity. Research results: the normative legal framework for the development of the staffing status of educational organizations of general education in Moscow at the federal and regional levels is presented. The materials of the article may be useful for representatives of executive authorities managing in the field of education, as well as for teaching staff and management staff of educational organisations of general education in Moscow.

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Svetlana, V. N., Elena, G. N. & Fedorovskaya, M. N. (2024). NORMATIVE LEGAL REGULATION OF THE STAFFING STATUS OF GENERAL EDUCATION ORGANISATIONS IN MOSCOW Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (4), 40. https://doi.org/10.24412/2076-9121-2024-4-40-63
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