- Desyaeva Natalya D. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
- Assuirova Larisa V. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
- Leonovich Evgeniy N. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
- Silchenkova Lyudmila S. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
The relevance of the problem formulated by the authors in the article lies in the significance of the concept of educational text interpretation for the theory and methodology of teaching not only the Russian language and literature, but also other humanities, due to the need to see the inextricable unity of receptive and productive communication, perception and generation of text. The cultural conformity of addressing a literary text in an educational environment always presupposes a complete understanding of its meaning by the reader, the result of which is his own speech work, a statement about what he read. The purpose of this study is an attempt to derive theoretical principles of the methodology of teaching the Russian language regarding the criteria for selecting texts for educational interpretation, the mechanisms of interpretive activity of schoolchildren, the basis of which allows us to develop a system for teaching the interpretation of literary texts in Russian language lessons. The research was carried out using methods of 1) theoretical analysis of the problem in the context of studying current scientific literature, 2) structural and semantic analysis of educational texts of artistic style, 3) content analysis of the texts of schoolchildren’s essays, which present the results of their interpretative activities, 4) systematization
of interpretive shortcomings in school essays. As a result, the original idea was confirmed that the results of students’ communicative interpretative activity are largely influenced by the characteristics of the original educational texts, the methodological processing of which should be carried out taking into account the laws of interpretation as the process of perception and interpretation of a speech work, which leads to schoolchildren gaining conscious experience of understanding texts in the process of their linguistic analysis as the initial stage of the communicative process. The study of the stated problem made it possible to identify the prospects and challenges associated with the introduction of methods of educational interpretation of literary texts into the process of teaching schoolchildren the Russian language, which is an important step in modern educational practice.
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Desyaeva, N. D., Assuirova, L. V., Leonovich, E. N. & Silchenkova, L. S. (2024). PROBLEMS OF THEORY AND PRACTICE OF EDUCATIONAL INTERPRETATION OF LITERARY TEXT IN TEACHING SCHOOLCHILDREN THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (4), 64.
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