- Melikhova Viktoriya Igorevna
The relevance of this article is due to the need for a comprehensive approach to identifying the psychological determinants of speech development, influencing which can adjust the communicative and speech development of a child through his immediate environment. In this regard, this article aims to highlight and structure the main provisions of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of psychology and pedagogy who have studied the speech development of young children and related processes. The leading methods in this study are comparison and generalization, which allow for a comparative analysis of existing theoretical positions. The research is carried out in the form of systematizing theories belonging to representatives of the anthropological, systemic, and psychoanalytic approaches, of which the psychoanalytic approach is predominant. The goal of the research is to identify the psychological determinants of speech development that can form the basis of a program for working with families with young children with speech development disorders. As a result of the study, the article identifies the psychological determinants of speech
development that manifest in the interaction of the child with the immediate environment. The practical significance of these results lies in the fact that by understanding which factors
negatively affect a child’s speech development, the reasons for their occurrence, it is possible to develop a program aimed at eliminating these causes, improving parent-child relationships, harmonizing the separation process, and consequently enhancing the child’s speech and communicative skills.
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Melikhova, V. I. (2024). COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DETERMINANTS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD SPEECH DEVELOPMENT DISORDERS Bulletin of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Series "Pedagogy and Psychology", 18 (4), 138.
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